Monday, January 27, 2014

Current Direction

Why are we doing this?

We want to design an experience to help connect friends and align their busy schedules.  

Who is the user?

Our users are people who have friends who live in different time zones or are extremely busy.

What are we doing?

- designing simple tool to display people's schedules in a visual way
- help people compare their schedules

- allow them to plan interactions

Concept Directions: Round One

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

24 hour clocks

Looking into how others have displayed 24 hour time in clock form. We're worried about people accidentally reading our clock as if it is a standard 12 hour clock.

(Sun and Moon for Midnight and Noon)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

About Us


We are Linette Brown and Michelle Zheng, designers exploring the concept of time. This blog is a documentation on our journey to bring a bit of peace and tranquility back into the chaos of our lives.

Some points of inspiration:

  • Changing Seasons: We are fortunate to live in Canada, a beautiful country full of nature adapting to Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Climates.
  • Clustered Memories: What happened last year is distilled down to a few standout events
  • 5 Year Calendars: Daily agendas which track one thought per day, every day for five years.
  • Taking time to plan your time: unplugging a bit and getting away from the busy-ness to reflect

Our plan for the year